M.J. Minakowski, Genealogia Potomków Sejmu Wielkiego
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Journal of sessions and acts of the Great Sejm (1788-1792)
translated into the language and realities of people born in the 21st century

Білоруська мова
Deutche sprache
English language
Lietuvių kalba
Latviešu valoda
Język polski
Українська мова
       Index of people
Index of topics

Saturday, 1 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 346

Topics: assessors; court tribunals; delays in legal proceedings; judicial ordinances; judicial president; justice; municipal courts; seal holders; sejm; six-week period for filing complaints;

Monday, 3 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Adjournment of Sejm Sessions; Constitutional Deputation; Crown and Lithuanian Assessors; Endorsement of Assessors' Opinion; Great Sejm; Parliamentary Debates; Secret Ballot; Sejm Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Secretary Jan Łuszczewski;

Tuesday, 4 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Election of Crown and Lithuanian Assessors; Establishing Chancellery Courts; Fund Project for Senators' Remuneration; Marshal of the Crown Confederation Stanisław Małachowski; Sejm Secretary Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Session; Session Adjournment;

Wednesday, 5 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Coronet and Lithuanian Assessorates; Election of Assessors; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; Poland-Ukraine Confederation; Revision of Votes; Sejm;

Thursday, 6 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Adam Chmara; Adjournment of the Session; Election of Assessors; Examining Deputation; Marshal Stanisław Małachowski; May 3 Constitution; Piotr Potocki; Review of Votes for Crown and Lithuanian Assessors;

Act published 347

Topics: adjudication; appeals; assessors; composition of courts; duties of a judge; judicial oath; judicial office; jurisdiction; municipal courts; remuneration of judges;

Friday, 7 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Consent for voivodeship commissioners' decisions in a reduced composition; Gratitude for adopting the May 3rd Constitution; Project initiation for Lithuanian assessor meeting; Proposal to merge the Crown Treasury with the Lithuanian Treasury; Session adjournment.; Speeches on the merger of the two treasuries; Swearing-in of National and Lithuanian Assessors; Treasury Commission's opinion on currency;

Saturday, 8 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 348

Topics: assessor elections; Crown Assessoria; knightly estate; Lithuanian Assessoria; Lithuanian provinces; nobility; officials; Polish provinces; senators;

Act published 349

Topics: Assessorship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Extension of the commencement date for the assessorship; King; Sejm; Vilnius;

Act published 350

Topics: absence of commission members; confederation; constitution; deadline for fulfilling duties; duties of the commission; estates; full composition; law; military commission; sejm;

Monday, 10 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Establishment of the Gold Coin; Legislative Work of the Sejm; Sale of Starosties; Security of Sejm Sessions; Sejm Resolutions; Taxes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;

Tuesday, 11 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Confiscation of illegal gold; Gold trade and export; Instigators' recommendation project; Regulations concerning red gold; Remuneration project for parliamentary secretaries and chancellery; Starosties and their future; Trimmed gold; Trimming and forging gold;

Act published 351

Topics: Counterfeiting and clipping of gold; Crown Treasury Commission; Declaration of external value of struck gold; Gold export; Penalties for damaging the value of gold; Red gold; Regulations for minting gold; Restrictions in gold circulation; Scales for weighing gold; Value and exchange rate of gold;

Act published 352

Topics: Crown; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; law enforcement; March installment; provinces; Sejm (parliament); tax equality; tax law; taxes;

Wednesday, 12 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 353

Topics: accusation of an offense against the Sejm; born Zajączkowska and her husband; instigators from both nations; Michał Mniszech, Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland-Ukraine; prosecution in Sejm courts; Referral of cases to Sejm courts;

Act published 354

Topics: Józef Narbutt; Marshals of the sejm and confederation.; Merits of the Confederation Secretary; Monetary sum as reward; Payment from the Treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;

Act published 355

Topics: Crown Treasury Commission; Recommendation for payment of assignats; Remuneration for Sejm Chancellery staff; Sejm and Crown Confederation Secretary Antoni Siarczyński; Sejm work.;

Thursday, 13 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments and corrections; Crown Treasury Commission; Establishment of the Treasury Commission; Lithuanian deputies; Lithuanian Treasury Commission; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation; Project; Suspension of the session;

Friday, 14 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Amendments to the proposal; Constitutional Deputation; Józef Weyssenhoff; Lithuanian Treasury; Sejm discussions; Session adjournment; Stanisław Małachowski; Treasury Commission Reform; Treasury Commissions; Volhynian deputies;

Monday, 17 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Constitutional disputes; Deputy Stanisław Potocki; Lithuanian Province; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Merger of Lithuanian and Crown Treasuries; Provincial Council; Sejm Secretary Jan Łuszczewski; Supreme King; Suspension of the Sejm session; Treasury Commission Project; Treasury Ministers and Commissioners;

Thursday, 20 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Address by King Stanisław August Poniatowski; Adoption of legislative proposals; Assessorship and the order of adjudicating cases; Civil-military commission issues; Conditions of the Union; Extension of the deadline for recording land registers; Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation Prince Kazimierz Sapieha; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Session of the Sejm.; Union of the Treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Crown; Voting on proposals;

Friday, 21 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Adoption of project regarding ecclesiastical cities; Border delimitation project between Bracław and Kiev voivodeships; Debate on status of smaller ecclesiastical cities; Deputation for Courland Affairs; Equal number of ministers and national officials between the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Location of the treasury and courts for Lithuania.; Military and Treasury Commissions - division of representatives; Resumption of Sejm session on October 24; Rotational presidency in commissions between Lithuania and the Crown; Stanisław Małachowski and Sejm session; Union of Lithuanian treasury with the crown treasury;

Saturday, 22 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 356

Topics: Commonwealth; Crown of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania; equality of representation; Military Commission; national ministries and offices; national treasury; police commission; public administration; Treasury Commission; Union;

Act published 357

Topics: alphabetical list; divisions of voivodeships, lands, and districts; extension of the land registries readiness; land properties; printing houses; reverses; Sejm; tariffs by castles; treasury commission; voivodeship commissions;

Act published 358

Topics: Administration of justice; Backlogged cases in the Crown Assessor's Office; Declaration and organization of judicial work; Litigation between towns and starostas (local officials); Ordinances of 1764, 1766, and 1776; Resolution of court cases; Treasury, Magdeburg, expulsion, incarceration, remission registers;

Act published 359

Topics: Acceleration of deputation's work; Collaboration of sealers with deputies; Complaints of parties; Deadlines for presenting opinions; Deputation for the Duchies of Courland and Semigalia; Responsibilities of confederated estates; Rights and grievances of cities in Courland and Semigalia; Unfinished business of deputation;

Act published 360

Topics: burgraves; death of a castle starost; execution of judicial decrees; legislative acts of the King and confederated states; Łęczyca voivodeship; Maciej Łuszczewski; sub-delegates; temporary organization of law enforcement;

Monday, 24 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Deliberation on projects; Dissatisfaction with the Sejm's work; Gratitude from the citizens of the district; Guard as the Executive Authority; National Constitution; Oath on the Constitution; Official duties; Orders for execution of the oath; Parish distribution to Sejmiks; Penalties for the disobedient; Return to the country within three months; Vice Minister of Defense and General of Artillery;

Tuesday, 25 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Constitutional amendments; Marshal of the Poland-Ukraine Confederation Stanisław Małachowski; Reading of the project and deputies' remarks; Sejm Secretary Jan Łuszczewski; Sejm Session; Session adjournment; Treasury Commission Description Project;

Wednesday, 26 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 361

Topics: confederation of both nations; constitution; enforcement of the law; furloughed officers; government ministers abroad; military commission; national guard; oath on government statute; return to the country and duty fulfillment; Sejm Marshals;

Thursday, 27 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: adjournment of the session; amendments to the Treasury Commission project; Constitutional Deposit; Constitutional Deputation; discussion on projects concerning Royal Estates; enactment of laws; Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Małachowski; Przecławski Potulicki; remarks on the sale of Royal Estates; Treasury Commission Report project;

Friday, 28 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: Appointment of individuals to magistracies during the Sejm; Benefits and risks associated with the sale of starosties; Debates on emphyteusis; Presentation of the project on the principles of sale of starosties; Project on the election of commissioner and assessor candidates at the sejmiks; Suspension of the session.; Work of the Constitutional Deputation and Affairs of Starosties;

Saturday, 29 October 1791

No deliberations

Act published 362

Topics: Approval of hospital funds; Bishop Kryspin Cieszkowski of Nicaea; Hereditary estates; Latin rite; Maintenance of the poor; Podolia voivodeship; Police commission of both nations; Zinkowski and Hrumiacki hospitals; Zinkowski parish priest;

Act published 363

Topics: administration of public revenues; composition of the commission; duties and election of commissioners; management of state finances; oath of commissioners; oversight of the Commonwealth treasury; relations with the parliament and king; sanctions for official misconduct; service rules and procedures; trade and customs regulations; Treasury Commission of the Commonwealth of Both Nations;

Monday, 31 October 1791

Report from the session

Topics: adjournment of session; Constitutional Deputation; discussion; elections to Executive Magistratures; legislative projects; Michał Czacki; proposals; Stanisław Krasicki; Stanisław Małachowski; voting;

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Cytuj: Marek Jerzy Minakowski, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiego (, wydanie z 08.06.2024.
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